Travel Training is your ticket to transit freedom! The Mobility Management team provides FREE travel training to anyone interested in learning how to ride the bus. Anyone can take advantage of this program, regardless of bus experience. Our travel trainers can help you to become more independent and comfortable riding the bus.
Services include:
- Planning a bus trip
- Reading a bus schedule and obtaining real-time info using the Ride MCTS website and Umo app
- Selecting the best fare option and using it correctly on the bus
- Getting to and from bus stops & practicing safe pedestrian skills
- Transferring between buses
- Boarding using a mobility device
- Practicing proper bus etiquette and safe riding skills

Training begins by participants scheduling a meeting with a Travel Trainer to exchange information and develop a plan to meet their bus traveling needs.
Individualized instruction continues on a regular basis until participants feel confident in their ability and can demonstrate independence using public transit.

If you are interested in learning more about the Travel Training program, or to set up a meeting, please call one of our Trainers at 414-343-1711.