
Commuter Value Pass Logo

Affordable, reliable transportation provided by MCTS routes means happy employees and happy employers alike. The Commuter Value Pass (CVP) is a benefit code that can be redeemed using the UMO App or WisGo Smart Card that makes riding the bus easy for employees. By helping them avoid the hassles of parking, traffic and construction, the CVP helps you maintain both productivity and morale. Find out about our simple setup and coordination, cost sharing options, and tax benefits.



A transit benefit can virtually eliminate the thousands of dollars spent annually on commuting costs.


Studies show that these savings increase the rider’s standard of living and help re-fuel the local economy.



A transit benefit is a cost effective tool in retaining quality employees and reducing turnover expenses.


Employees arrive to work relaxed and on time, important keys to employee productivity.


Childrens Hospital CONNECT stop

MCTS handles all of the initial program set-up including order processing, benefit code issuance, delivery and much more. After the program is set up, we ask that a program coordinator be designated at the employer’s end to assist with signing up new participants to the program, revaluing accounts, and reconciling quarterly invoices.


Employers and employees are both eligible for federal tax relief available under the Transportation Equity Act For The 21st Century (TEA-21).


For the employer, any contribution that is made to help defray employee public transportation expenses is fully deductible as an employee benefit expense.


For the employee, if the employer offers a payroll option, the employee’s portion may be paid with pre-tax dollars for additional employee savings.



Our Commuter Value Pass is invoiced quarterly at $210 per enrolled employee.


Cost-sharing is not a requirement of the program. The employer however, can provide a valuable benefit to their employees by sharing in the cost.


Many participating companies provide a 50% cost sharing for their employees.



Employers can begin the program at any time. Simply email or call us at 414-343-1777 and let us know which date and time would be convenient for us to begin the enrollment process. Prior to the session, we’d like to meet with the program coordinator for 15 minutes to review our order process and invoice.

Commuter Value Certificate

With this program, employers purchase certificates valued at $17.50 each and give them to employees who can use the vouchers for purchase of MCTS passes. CVCs offer employers flexibility in the level and frequency of the transit benefit.

Click here to fill out the order form.



A collection of participating business logosA collection of participating business logos